
Flaky eyebrows: causes,symptoms and remedies .

The skin is the large and most exposed organ of the body which makes it the first point of contact for dust, bacteria, foreign matter and leaving it susceptible to cuts, bruises, scrapes and burns among other things. One of the things to look at is flaking of the skin found under the eyebrows.

What are is flaking eyebrows ?

Flaking eyebrows look similar to what flakes look like on the scalp, it may it  leave the area red and slightly inflamed . The area around the eyebrows will look dry and just brushing your fingers against the eyebrows will have the flakes popping off and look as if they are multiplying.

What causes flaky eyebrows ?

There is more than one cause for the appearance of these flakes being in the eyebrow especially; psoriasis, dandruff, dry skin, eczema, and seborrheic dermatitis.

  • Dandruff being the most common cause which is the presentation of flakes on the scalp and develops primarily where hair grows. These flakes are produced by the dying of skin cells at an abnormal rate. The forming of these flakes does cause some redness and irritation of the skin and it is best to not leave moisture in the area because it makes the irritation a little worse. The condition is chronic in about half of the population in the U.S. and while there is no cure for the dandruff, it can be treated to reduce the flakes using natural remedies and shampoos which we will get to a little later on.
  • Eczema and Psoriasis are also skin conditions that are very similar which would also explain the reason for flakes in addition to redness in the eyebrows. Unlike Dandruff, Eczema and Psoriasis are auto-immune diseases meaning that the body is fighting against itself in a sense, fighting something that isn’t really there. With these conditions, the skin does get really itchy underneath and scratching doesn’t help at all. These conditions don’t usually be present in the eyebrow initially but it may be cause for your eyebrows flaking so it doesn’t harm checking to make sure which condition is really responsible for being better able to treat it. Eczema and Psoriasis also present themselves on the skin and the scalp. Natural remedies can also be used for these as well as prescribed crèmes and lotions from the doctor.

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  • Seborrheic dermatitis is a form of dandruff where the skin produces dead skin cells at an abnormally large rate because of dehydration and clogged pores under the skin which then causes the flakes to appear. There are other reasons other than a specific condition that will affect the frequency and appearance of flaky eyebrows.
  • Stress affects the body in so many different ways and this is one thing that it has been known to  cause. Being extremely tired can also lead to symptoms presenting itself like drowsiness and flaking of the skin.
  • Changing of the climate also affects flaky eyebrows because the air is dryer and the face tends to be the most exposed and causing not just the eyebrows to flake but also the face entirely.
  • Types of food that we eat also affects the skin and improper nutrition can cause eyebrows to be dry and flaky and conditions in the body changing like a lower immunity because of an illness or just having done a surgery where the body is not at its strongest.
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How to get rid of flaky eyebrows?

  •  Sugar has shown to increase dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis it raise your blood sugar levels thus causing inflammation this may not be the same for everyone so observe when you use too much sugar if there was an increase in flaking.
  • The important thing to focus on is trying to subdue the presentation of flakes and depending on how they present themselves can be really simple to fix. We are what we eat and maintaining a balanced diet or eating foods that high in Vitamins especially Vitamin A and E and omega 3 fatty acids because they are great for the skin. Another preventative measure is making sure the skin is always clean. The skin may be sensitive to use soaps and cleansers that are not very harsh to irritate the skin even more than it already is.
  • Dandruff shampoos can also be used on the eyebrows to wash as you would your hair many people swear by this method . A great shampoo to use is from the Head and Shoulders line of products, they have for regular as well as sensitive skin.  
  • I ultimately recommend using natural remedies because they are all natural from the earth and has little to no side effects in most cases. Aloe Vera is great for soothing the face and similarly lemon juice.  A mixture of both applied to the face will reduce flakes and dryness. Tea Tree Oil is also another great natural remedy to use for flaky eyebrows because of its anti-microbial properties, it will clear up the flakes if they happen to be there because of some fungus of the skin.
  • There are many other natural remedies like garlic, turmeric, egg oil, almond oil, and fenugreek. Using all of these are important but be sure to moisturize the skin under your eyebrows with a thick skin cream everyday to reduce flakes .

If you are unsure of using any regimen do consult your doctor first.

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