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Types and Causes of Watery Discharge in Women

Women have to deal with some problems on a daily basis and vaginal discharge is one of them. There are different kinds of vaginal discharges that signify certain issues and health problems. A watery discharge is a common concern of women. Where this discharge can be completely normal, at other times it could be raising a danger flag.


To help you understand, here we describe a number of different kinds of watery discharge, along with the many causes of watery discharge in women. It will help you understand the reason behind your problem.


Types of Watery Discharge ,there are numerous types of watery discharge that can help pinpoint the cause. Hence, noticing the exact features of your discharge is important. Here we describe some different watery discharges, that will help you decode your problem easily.

  1. Clear watery discharge, often the watery discharge is clear and without any stain and smell. It could be scarce or profuse. Many women are troubled with this kind of discharge, but often, it’s normal and without any kind of pathology.
  2. Cloudy discharge, sometimes the discharge is white and clouded. It may also have a bad odor and be accompanied by an itch.
  3. Sticky discharge, the discharge is watery at first, but it is sticky and tends to clump together. It may also give your legs a sticky feeling.
  4. Foul smelling discharge, usually profuse and watery, but this discharge is accompanied with a fishy or rotten egg smell. This kind of discharge is a common cause for trouble and should not be left unnoticed.
  5. Watery discharge with cheesy clumps, the discharge is accompanied with small clumps of white cheesy substance. It often has a fermented smell and can be associated with a severe, unbearable itch and burning sensation.
  6. Colored discharge, the watery liquid may have a different color. It could be yellow, brown or stained with a pink color. Any abnormal color is a sign of something wrong and needs due attention.

Causes of Watery Discharge

All of these different types of watery discharges have different causes. By figuring out the proper reasons and associated symptoms you can identify what caused your watery discharge. Here we highlight some common causes of watery discharge. Although most of the time, this kind of discharge is normal, you do need to consider the sinister causes that can also be responsible for the discharge.

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  • Ovulation, a common cause of watery discharge in women is ovulation. This is normal and normally occurs during mid-cycle. It is caused by the surge of hormones during ovulation that prepares the uterine lining for the baby. The lining secretes an excessive amount fluid which contains nutrients to nourish the fetus. The extra fluid drains from the vagina as watery discharge.
  • Exercise, normally, heavy exercise can cause a flow of watery discharge from the vagina. This is normal and due to muscular contraction of the uterus and the raised core temperature. It washes the vagina and cleanses it thoroughly.
  • Pregnancy also induces watery discharge. The discharge may also be slightly stained with blood or pink in color. This signifies the spotting bleeding that occurs during implantation. It could be the first sign of pregnancy and holds considerable value in determining the age of the fetus.
  • Parasitic infection, trichomonas is a parasite that is sexually transmitted and results in a discharge that is accompanied by foams. The parasite is single celled and is usually treated with a medication. It is important to consult a doctor for an appropriate prescription.
  • Bacterial infection, watery discharge that has a foul smell or is a bad color, usually means that you have a bacterial vaginitis. It could be any number of bacteria and requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. Often the condition is associated with a burning sensation, an itch, and redness.
  • Yeast infection, every woman suffers this problem at some point in her life. It is very important to know the cause and how to identify and treat it because it can cause severe discomfort and is often easily treatable. The discharge is accompanied by curd or cheese like clumps. You can also identify a fermented sweet smell and a severe itch. The treatment protocol involves antibiotics, however, you can also alleviate symptoms with yogurt, medicated salt baths and drinking lots of water.
  • Long-term use of contraceptives and steroids often leads to the development of e excessive watery secretions. These medicines contain chemicals that interfere with the enzymes of the uterine lining. This leads to excessive fluid production and secretion. You need to consult a doctor for this problem, as it can result in fatigue and deficiencies.
  • Premenstrual, sometimes there is watery secretion just before the menses. This is normal and is the uterine way of cleansing itself before the lining is shed to prevent infections. It is usually clear and without any odor, which sets it apart from the other types.

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Clearly, there are numerous reasons that could be responsible for a watery discharge. You could have infections, be pregnant or have nothing at all. By considering the causes and symptoms above, you can pinpoint the cause of your discharge with ease. However, we do recommend visiting your gynecologist immediately if there is any sign of discoloration, odor or itch, as these signs signify a major problem. You are also encouraged to visit the doctor if symptoms persist for more than 2 days. Keeping a healthy system is key to getting rid of all these discharges. Even one that has a normal origin could precipitate an infection if proper hygiene is not maintained. Give your problem a little thought, watery discharges are often very easy to treat.

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