
Six ways to increase fertility in women over 30

The majority of women always plan to have their first child before age 30, because of that age always affects fertility. When the woman is over 30, she worries more about getting pregnant. Experts agree that fertility begins to decline after thirty years

After this age, it can be more difficult and take longer to get pregnant successfully. Therefore, many women may be forced to undergo medical intervention such as in vitro fertilization.

Experts recommend that women maximize their fertility by prioritizing their health by eating well and avoiding excess alcohol, says nutritionist Gaye Godkin, describing it as “the biggest antinutrient”.

“The best way to guarantee your fertility for the future is to have your children between 20 and 30 years old, and accept that you cannot conceive if you leave it until later,” says Dr. Boyle.

Here are some ways you can increase your fertility if you are over 30:

Start with a proper diet

A healthy and balanced diet will benefit you in all aspects of your health. A recent Harvard study found that eliminating foods such as sugar or refined carbohydrates from your diet could regulate and improve ovulation.

Vitamins can also be useful: taking vitamin B6 (found in whole grains, green leafy vegetables, meat and eggs) has been shown to increase progesterone production, while vitamin C (found in vegetables) of green leaves, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peas, and strawberries) has also been shown to promote iron absorption and increase progesterone production.

Reduce stress to a minimum

A growing number of studies show a relationship between stress and infertility. An American study 2014, for example, found that women with higher levels of a stress-related enzyme called alpha-amylase made them twice as likely to be infertile.

The good news is that there are many natural ways to relieve stress, including exercise, getting enough sleep, taking time for relaxation, meditating and having a good emotional support network in your life.

Stop smoking

The American Center for Disease Control (CDC) found that women who smoke before trying to become pregnant are twice as likely to have difficulty conceiving, and are 30% more likely to be infertile than non-smokers.

Smoking during pregnancy is also harmful to the baby. Cigarettes contain more than 4,000 chemicals that are passed on to the baby through the bloodstream when smoked. Apart from this, smoking also puts you at higher risk of diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease and asthma.

Taking supplements

Certain substances have been shown to benefit fertility. Zinc, for example, helps the body to use estrogen and progesterone correctly, while omega-3 oils are essential for the proper functioning of these reproductive hormones.

Folic acid can help prevent birth defects, specifically in the head and spine of a baby. It is easy to add these supplements to the daily diet, you can even take pregnancy supplements at any pharmacy.

Exercise, but in moderation

Going for a walk every day is a good way to get fit without having to put in too much effort. Exercise can help you keep your body healthy and in balance in order to help with conception. But you should know that excess exercise can adversely affect your chances of getting pregnant.

Alternative therapies

Many women have seen that their fertility has improved after practicing alternative therapies such as acupuncture or reflexology. Reflexology, for example, is a massage technique that uses specific acupressure points on the feet that correspond to the organs of the body.

The application of pressure to these points stimulates the alignment of these organs – which over time has been shown to increase relaxation and reduce stress in the body. This, in turn, can improve fertility.

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