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How tricalcium phosphate can be bad for your health


Tricalcium phosphate is a calcium salt found in many nutritional supplements. But is it bad to take it in health supplements?


Tricalcium phosphate is a calcium salt found in many nutritional supplements. Many people wonder about the safety of tricalcium phosphate, including side effects and whether it causes cancer. Some people take supplements that contain tricalcium phosphate to supplement their daily calcium intake if they do not get enough calcium from their daily diet. However, tricalcium phosphate is a concentrated source of calcium and drinking too much can cause high calcium levels or hypercalcemia.

If you have high levels of calcium in your body you can suffer from nausea, constipation, stomach pain, muscle aches, weakness or fatigue, excessive urination, dehydration, lack of appetite, mental confusion and thirst.

What is tricalcium phosphate and what is it for?

Some calcium phosphates are derived from phosphate rocks, which is calcium of plant origin and ammonia, but can also be made from the bones of crushed animals. Calcium phosphate helps cells work better and has an important role in bone growth, strengthening and energy production. It is also a nutritional supplement that is absorbed in the body. Although it is not known if it is more effective than other calcium supplements.

It can also have other uses and is found in baby powders, toothpaste or antacids, to name a few. Cement or composite material is also manufactured for the treatment of broken bones.


Health risks

Taking tricalcium phosphate can have a variety of risks to your health that you need to know and if necessary, talk to your doctor if it is a better option to choose another calcium supplement for you.



Developing hypercalcemia is a health risk that can occur if too much calcium is taken. The symptoms are usually mild but you have to be careful in case to consult a doctor. The symptoms are usually: constipation, dry mouth, mental confusion and / or loss of appetite.

Kidney stones


Taking tricalcium phosphate may also increase the risk of developing kidney stones.  A report from Oregon State University suggests that the risk of kidney stones is higher in women who take calcium and multivitamin supplements, although the overall evidence is contradictory.

Cardiovascular problems


Several studies have reported an increased risk of cardiovascular problems in people who take calcium supplements. A report in the journal, Australian Prescriber, finds that calcium supplements can increase the risk of heart attacks by approximately 25% and the possibility of having a stroke by up to 20% in women.

Most researchers, however, believe that the positive effects of calcium supplements on bone health and the reduction of fracture risk outweigh the increased cardiovascular risk.  The National Osteoporosis Foundation and the American Society of Preventive Cardiology determined that, as long as people do not exceed the recommended daily amount, the calcium that is ingested can be considered safe.



If you have kidney disease


Tricalcium phosphate is not a good option for people with kidney disease. When a person has kidney disease, their kidneys can not eliminate phosphorus effectively. This is important because high levels of phosphorus can affect calcium levels in the body, sometimes, causing the bones to become brittle and weak. High levels of phosphorus can also cause calcium to enter the blood vessels, lungs, eyes and heart.

Anyone with kidney disease or limited kidney function should talk with a doctor about the best ways to maintain healthy calcium levels, without further damaging their kidneys and other organs.

Cancer risk


The researchers suggest that diets rich in inorganic phosphates, which are additives found mainly in processed foods, such as meats and cheese, stimulate the growth of small cell cancers. Accelerates the growth of lung cancer tumors  and contributes to the development of tumors in people who have an increased risk of lung cancer.

Other studies have found a connection between inorganic phosphates and the development of a variety of cancers


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