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Advantages and disadvantages of air conditioners

The summer heat forces people to use air conditioners in homes and office buildings in order to provide favorable conditions for living and working. Air conditioners guarantee not only the welcome relief in the summer heat, but are also an affective solution to prevent heat-related illnesses and deaths. However, air conditioning systems alone can cause health problems if they are not properly cleaned and serviced in a timely manner.

In the post we will help you understand some of the pros and cons of an air conditioner unit .


Advantages of air conditioner

 Effective heat control

Air conditioners are primarily used for air cooling. According to the CDC , the device is the number one defender against heat-related illnesses and deaths. Every year, heat takes away hundreds of lives around the world; air conditioning can effectively prevent this problem. It is estimated that 600 to 1500 persons die from heat related deaths every year . source source People who are vulnerable to heat are infants, children under 4 years old, senior citizens over 65 years old, obese people, patients who take a specific list of drugs.

To reduce health risks, doctors recommend drinking large amounts of water in the heat and using air conditioning in the rooms.

AC units filter your air in the home

Air pollution causes about seven million deaths  worldwide each year.

The simple act of breathing leads 9 out of 10 people to be at risk of disease, having a stroke, respiratory infections or lung cancer.

Microscopic contaminants are everywhere and there is no need to be in the street to continue damaging us.

According to an investigation by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, indoor pollution is often between two and five times larger than outside. source

.AC has a health benefit of filtering outdoor pollutants before it enters into your home .

In Urban areas there is high air pollution from heavy traffic and manufacturing industries . Research done by Yale University

Research done at Yale University has shown that that once we maintain our air conditioning we lower our risk pollutant related illness because they keep outdoor pollutants from entering our home. source

Relieving Symptoms of Asthma and Allergies

Some small studies prove that for people with allergies and asthma, air conditioning is a vital device. Modern air conditioners can effectively clean the air of animal hair, dust and smoke, filter out the pollen of trees, herbs and weeds, ionize the air, kill bacteria and viruses, and keep the air circulation in the room.

Air conditioning is just a must for asthmatics and allergy sufferers, as it absorbs dust, harmful particles, and some models also absorb wool. The main thing is to monitor filters in a timely manner. Also, air conditioning is necessary for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, because a normal microclimate helps prevent attacks. source  source

Temperature control.

 We will not always need to be at the same temperature, everything depends on the moment and the situation, therefore, thanks to the thermometer that is installed we can control at what temperature the room should be maintained.


Air circulation 

Thanks to the air conditioning the air in our room is being renewed little . When we compare using a fan to an air conditioner the AC is circulate and  renew the air while the fan just circulates the air that is present .Renewal of circulating air improves breathing unlike a fan which would circulate the same dust and toxic are causing breathing problems .

The cold air is distributed throughout the room in an equitable way : modern air devices can distribute the air in different directions by cooling the room where it is in its entirety. This will make even the smallest room exposed to the sun’s rays habitable at any time of the day.


Increase performance.

 We have already said that high temperatures cause fatigue. In this way, lowering the temperature of the room or office increases the intellectual and physical capacity of people and, consequently, the performance at work.


Prevents environmental humidity. 

The air conditioning makes the environment drier. Some AC have a dehumidification system, they help to remove humidity from the environment.

Decreases the presence of insects

Insects such as flies and mosquitoes don’t like the cold air they tend to be inactive thus less of these insects in your home.



Sick building syndrome

Air conditioners can contribute to the development of the sick building syndrome in certain rooms and in a variety of conditions. People in an infected room may experience dizziness, dry throat, itchy eyes, and nausea.

Studies conducted by the journal of professional and environmental medicine found that forced air conditioning in rooms using split systems, window and central air conditioning, often causes symptomatic deviations in health, which is rare in natural ventilation of buildings.

One thorough study proved that HEPA filters and a carbon filtration system can completely improve the indoor climate, and therefore improve productivity and living conditions.

Dry the air

In addition, the air conditioner reduces humidity to 30–40%, while according to sanitary standards in a residential building it should be from 30 to 60%. With a lack of moisture in the air, the mucous membrane of the mouth and respiratory tract dries, which increases the risk of respiratory diseases. An air humidifier will help to avoid this.

We have already commented, as an advantage, that dry air prevents moisture, however, it can also cause dry skin and eyes, causing conjunctivitis. In addition, the  air conditioning  dries the body’s mucous membranes, eliminating one of the main barriers that the body has against infectious agents.


Temperature  change

Temperature changes.  They are very frequent in times of high temperatures and cause colds. It has a lot to do with the levels of tolerance to the different temperatures that each person has, also influences the clothing and heat energy that each one gives off. Also, it can generate cooling and trigger an increase in the level of stress, as well as cause colds and throat problems.


Respiratory problems

If the device is not properly maintained, it may be responsible for infections caused by a bacterium called legionella , which causes respiratory problems, fever, chills and cough and in some specific cases can be fatal. Therefore, it is essential that a periodic review of the installation be made and that the filters be changed whenever necessary.

Low back pain

If the air conditioner comes into direct contact with the back , the cold current can cause our muscle fibers to retract and suffer low back pain.

It prevents us from sleeping well

One of the most annoying aspects of excessive heat is that it does not let us sleep well . Given this situation, many people choose to leave the air conditioning on overnight, but the solution does not seem the best. And it is that a temperature too low, together with the noise of the device and the accumulation of dust, mites and fungi in the filters, favor the so-called “ fragmentation of sleep ”, that is, that we wake up and therefore alter the normal pattern of sleep In this regard, remember that the ideal temperature for adequate rest should be between 18 and 22 degrees.

It damages the environment

Although this point does not directly affect our health (although indirectly), it is necessary to point out that the abusive use of air conditioners increases the consumption of electricity and aggravates the problem of global warming . This was demonstrated by a study of Ecologists in Action , according to which the air temperature in summer in a city like Madrid could rise up to 2 degrees due to the use of these devices.

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