
6 Benefits Of Using Monk Fruit As Your Sugar Substitute


Majority of people including me will not pick the monk fruit when grocery shopping because of its appearance; without taking a closer look, the monk fruit is not exactly the kind of fruits you would want to spend a dime on. However, this not-so-juicy fruits is one of the best fruits you would need to pick in the produce aisle because of its health benefits. Thankfully to the diabetes community, sugar-free lovers, and health-conscious food lovers, the monk fruit is getting the attention these days. This leads us to the question.

What is the monk fruit?

The monk fruit is also known as Luo Han Guo (let’s just stick with monk fruit) the monk fruit was first cultivated in southern China, and the monks were the first people to utilize its essence, hence the name monk fruit- so no, the fruit is not met solely for the monks.

In addition, Traditional Chinese Medicine has used these fruits for decades even though the sweet and rich extract is just making it to the public. According to Harvard, this fruit is up to 200 times sweeter than table sugar. Below are the reasons why you should start using this fruit.

Top 6 benefits of monk fruits

There are several benefits of the monk fruit, and I am not surprised the monks have been using these fruits for years. However, you too can benefit from these amazing fruits and blow are just a few benefits you can derive from the monk fruits.

#1. Lowers the risk of heart attacks

As small as the monk fruit may look, it is naturally built with components that stop the oxidation of cholesterol in your system. Here is how it works: oxidation is what happens to cholesterol just before it creates plaque in the arteries and blood vessels.  Preventing the cholesterol from oxidizing lowers and if not reduces the risk of heart attacks. Furthermore, the monk fruit increases the production of good cholesterol (HDL) and also prevents strokes atherosclerosis. There are also other vegetables that lower cholesterol you should incorporate into your diet too.

#2. It increases lifespan

As cliché or unbelievable this may sound, the monk fruits have positive effects on our longevity. Studies show that people who frequently eat the fruit live longer, and the places where the monk fruits are cultivated have a high number of centenarians per capita. Ever wondered why the southern Chinese have lots of centenarians? Well… now you have the answer.

Moreover, the fruits act as oxidants, which break down the body as it ages; the monk fruits regulate the antioxidants systems and control inflammation in our body. Naturally, our body goes through massive stress in our internal environment, rapid breakdown of tissues, increase in inflammation, and degeneration of our bodies as we age- the monk fruits help to reduce the effect of ageing.

#3. Alternative sugar for diabetic patients

Thanks to the mogrosides compounds in monk fruits, diabetic patients will not miss out on any sweet foods. The monk fruits do not increase blood sugars, which make it the perfect alternative sweetener for people who have diabetes. However, it is advisable to check with your doctor before purchasing any monk fruit sweetener blends from the counter because some of these blends may include other ingredients that affect insulin sensitivity.

#4. Weight loss

The perfect natural sweetener to add to your diet to achieve your weight loss goal is the monk fruit. The monk fruit also reduces the risk of obesity; to curb the sugar consumption in your home, introduce the monk fruit to lower the risk of obesity and achieve your weight loss goal due to its zero calories and carbs.

#5. It suppresses the growth of cancerous cells

The monk fruit has anti-carcinogenic effects, which makes it restrain the growth of skin and tumor growth. The fruit goes further to hinder the growth of leukemia cell, and pancreatic cancer cells. Studies have also shown that the monk fruit prevents the progression of the throat and colorectal cancer cells.

#6. It prevents tooth decay

The monk fruits among many other things prevent tooth decay; it has a natural antimicrobial agent, which is responsible for slowing down the surge of antibiotic resistance and fighting infections such as oral bacteria, streptococcus, sore throats, oral thrush, gum disease, and candida.

In conclusion, the monk fruit may not be as “pretty” and juicy as oranges, lemons, or other beautiful fruits in the produce aisle, but it plays a decisive role in your healthy lifestyle.



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