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12 reasons the sun is important

The protosun, born from the condensation of gases and cosmic dust in a dense region of an interstellar cloud when the Universe was 9 billion years old, eventually formed the Sun we know today. This process of formation took around 100 million years and once the protosun reached a high enough temperature, nuclear fusion of hydrogen began, marking the birth of the Sun, which is now around 4.5 billion years old. As a star, the Sun continuously emits light and heat through the process of nuclear fusion, where every second, 580 million tons of hydrogen are converted to helium, releasing 90 billion megatons of energy. In this article we will look at the importance of the sun the Earth , life on Earth and other planets in our solar system .

Why is the sun important ?

  • The sun can be used for navigation

The sun is a very helpful tool when it comes to timekeeping and navigation since its position in the sky varies throughout the day. By watching the sun’s position and the direction it is heading in, it is possible to identify the time of day. This technique is also used to figure out which way is north, south, east, and west. Moreover, by looking at the elevation of the sun, navigators can calculate their latitude. This practice of using the sun as a reference point is known as celestial navigation.


  • It controls Earth’s climate and weather patterns

By providing the Earth with heat and energy the sun is responsible for its weather and climate patterns . The sun controls the the Earth’s climate through it’s Atmospheric circulation  water cycle and temperature.The sun helps to create rain and snow by evaporation of the water on Earth which rises and cools to form clouds which brings us precipitation and create weather pattern.Temperature variations on Earth is occurs cause changes in air pressure and formation of wind.Additionally, ocean currents are regulated by the sun’s energy the ocean currents in return spreads the Earth’s heat around the world which has an effect the formation of of Hurricanes and storms . The sun’s energy also plays a role in the Earth’s long-term climate patterns, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). These patterns are driven by the sun’s energy and can have a significant impact on the Earth’s climate and weather patterns.
  • The Sun is the force behind the water cycle

The sun is the driving energy force behind the water cycle ,without the sun this cycle would not start. The first stage of the water cycle is evaporation of water from the Earth surface and transpiration of water from plants which is due to the sun’s heat. The water vapor then rises and form clouds by the process of condensation. These clouds then produces precipitation which falls as rain , snow or hail returning the water to the Earth’s surface. 

  • The sun provides the energy that sustains all life on Earth through photosynthesis

Algae , plants and some bacteria  use light energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy in the form of organic compounds. This process is known as photosynthesis; it is essential for the survival of all organisms . It is because the sun plants are able to produce oxygen which animals on Earth need . The chlorophyll,  a pigment found in the chloroplasts of plant cells, absorbs the sunlight and uses it to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

  • Sun is the source vitamin D

Human beings obtain their vitamin D from the Sun as UVB radiation from it interacts with 7-dehydrocholesterol, which is a kind of cholesterol found in the skin, to generate vitamin D3. This is a natural process that does not require any food or supplement intake.It is essential to have sufficient levels of vitamin D for robust bones, as it helps the body to assimilate calcium from food. Calcium is essential for keeping bones healthy and strong. A lack of vitamin D stops the body from taking in enough calcium, which can result in fragile bones and an increased risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Furthermore, adequate amounts of vitamin D are beneficial for one’s oral health, muscles, and immune system.

However, it is essential to remember that over-exposure to the Sun can cause skin damage and up the odds of developing skin cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to get some sunshine and protect your skin with sunscreen or clothing. Furthermore, consuming foods with vitamin D can also be helpful.

  • The sun provides the energy that sustains all life on Earth through photosynthesis

Algae , plants and some bacteria  use light energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy in the form of organic compounds. This process is known as photosynthesis; it is essential for the survival of all organisms . It is because the sun plants are able to produce oxygen which animals on Earth need . The chlorophyll,  a pigment found in the chloroplasts of plant cells, absorbs the sunlight and uses it to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

  • The sun keep the planets in orbit

The appropriate combination of a body’s onward movement in space creates an orbit due to the sun’s gravity. This gravitational pull keeps our planet and the other planets on a flawless path revolving around the sun. Johannes Kepler’s laws of cosmic motion are the scientific laws that explain the planets’ movement around the sun and are named after their inventor, the German astronomer Johannes Kepler. The gravitational pull of the sun on Earth is what maintains it in its orbit, and the intensity of this force reduces as the distance between the Earth and the sun increases. This is referred to as the inverse square law, which expresses that the power of a gravitational force decreases as the distance between the objects grows.

  • Sun Affects Planets Evolution

The sun’s power and rays have made a major contribution towards the transformation of planets in our solar system, but not including Earth. Its immense energy and radiation have had a significant effect on shaping the air, topography, and temperatures of these celestial objects.

For instance, on Venus, the sun’s strong radiation has caused the greenhouse effect, resulting in a thick layer of atmosphere that locks in heat, making the planet’s surface unbearably hot. On Mars, the sun’s rays have helped to take away the planet’s once-dense atmosphere, leaving it with a thin atmosphere which is unable to keep heat.

On Jupiter and Saturn, the sun’s energy is responsible for driving the huge storms and gusts of wind that are present on these gas giants. On their moons, for example Europa, the sun’s radiation is accepted to be involved in the subsurface ocean which is responsible for maintaining the surface frozen.

Apart from affecting the atmospheres and climates of these planets, the sun’s gravity also holds a crucial part in keeping their orbits stable.

  • Solar Energy Importance  for Animals

As discussed earlier human beings skin allows them to synthesize sunlight to make vitamin D , this is the for many animals.
Sunlight influences animals to obtain necessary nutrients, vitamins and heat. For example, sunlight also allows many animals to synthesize vitamin D, as in humans, which is essential for their metabolism. In addition, in animals, sunlight has a great influence on reproduction , unlike in humans, since in animals the reproductive seasons are strongly influenced by light and solar energy (unlike in humans, the purpose is merely reproductive). Another very important factor in the Sun’s heat, particularly in ectothermic animals (invertebrates, fish, amphibians, and reptiles), is the regulation of their body temperature . These animals have different adaptations to capture heat or adopt different positions with respect to the Sun depending on the time of year.

  • The sun is very important for disinfection

The key distinction between surface disinfection using ultraviolet (UV) light and other chemical methods is that UV light efficiently inactivates microorganisms through a physical process. When exposed to the germicidal wavelengths of UV light, bacteria, viruses, and protozoa become unable to reproduce and infect. The benefits of using UV light for disinfection and sterilization are clear, as it is a cold process that does not require any chemical products and microorganisms cannot develop resistance to the disinfection process. UV light was first discovered in the 1800s by German astronomer Friedrich William Herscel and Johann Wilhelm Ritter, who referred to it as “Ultra-red” and “chemical rays” respectively. Today, UV light is widely used in medical settings for disinfection and sterilization without the use of chemicals. This application can be traced back to the discoveries of English scientists Downes and Blunt in 1877, who found that bacteria dies when exposed to sunlight. Marshall Ward further demonstrated in 1892 that the bactericidal effects were specifically caused by the ultraviolet spectrum of light.

  • Importance of the Sun for terrestrial phenomena

Talking about the importance of light and solar energy for living beings would not make sense without understanding the importance of the Sun for terrestrial phenomena . First of all, the heat coming from the Sun is essential to warm our planet and thus allow life on it, otherwise we would freeze to death. In addition, the heat allows phenomena such as rain, wind, cloud formation or sea currents and catastrophes or natural disasters , such as hurricanes or fires. These are also very important processes for life on our planet.

  • The sun provides human with renewable energy

A host of different technologies can be used to take advantage of solar energy, such as photovoltaic cells (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP). PV cells can directly turn sunlight into electricity, while CSP makes use of mirrors to concentrate the sun’s rays and produce heat that can be utilized to drive turbines and create electricity.

Solar power is an effective, clean, and renewable source of energy that produces no greenhouse gases or other pollutants. Additionally, it can be tapped into in areas where traditional energy sources are not available. Other than electricity production, solar energy can be used for water heating, lighting, and cooking as well.

Exploiting solar energy can curtail reliance on fossil fuels, which are finite resources and responsible for a great deal of climate change. Moreover, it can decrease the requirement to import fossil fuels, thereby furthering energy security.



  1. “Photosynthesis” (n.d.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
  2. “Solar radiation and Earth’s climate” (n.d.). NASA.
  3. “Gravity and Orbits” (n.d.). NASA.
  4. Kepler, Johannes. “Astronomia Nova.” (1609).
  5. “The Water Cycle.” NASA Earth Observatory, NASA,
  6.  Trenberth, K. E., & Fasullo, J. T. (2010). An apparent hiatus in global warming?. Science, 327(5970), 1616-1617.
  7.  “Photosynthesis” by Raven, Johnson, Losos, and Singer, Biology, 11th edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2014)

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