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Euphorbia obesa . A beautiful ornamental plant

Lovers of cactus and succulents know very well these varieties of plants that reach thousands of species in variety, although there are some of them that have a real special attraction such as occurs with the Euphorbia obesa or as it is commonly called the basketball plant this is a very beautiful cactus-like plant of small size but that can be developed to measure about 20 cm in height.

It has been chosen for a long time as one of the most sought after decorative plants in the world of plant lovers and this has given it within the garden plants an ornamental plant status, for its characteristic beauty

The care of this plant is very particular since it does not look like almost any of the common garden plants, its care is different and the point in favor that you will find in it is that it does not need great care as it happens with the common plants.


Characteristics of the euphorbia obesa

This is a cactus garden plant originally from South Africa, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family, a large group of plants that includes more than 7500 similar species but not the same, among them you can find different types of cactus such as the obese, some herbaceous, types of small shrubs and even small trees.

The euphorbia obesa is vulgarly known as basketball plant for its particular shape , this is a beautiful plant with very slow growth, its body is globular but with the passage of time it usually lengthens until it reaches its maximum, which does not it is greater than 20 cm in case of the obese in particular.

These plants are dioecious so they have a male and female form, separated from each other, in their body or leaves they are smooth and they do not have thorns even though they are a type of cactus, they have a green and grayish color which also has some lines mauve and light green, the plant itself is a true visual spectacle.

Its flowering is very light and if they receive the appropriate care they can bloom from the tips of it a small flower , the flow also happens only in the spring time and when it is beginning the summer.

Euphorbia obese growing in a garden

How to Care for an Obese Euphorbia

The reproduction and care of these plants is very simple although we must take into account some simple tricks to increase the beauty of this plant, in addition the cultivation of them if we want to reproduce them must be done through the seeds, although they are obtained by separating the female and male plant, and the pollination process is necessary, so the bees are responsible for this work. If you wish to do manual pollination you would need to know the difference between the male and female euphorbia obesa .


The sowing of this plant can be done directly on the garden floor, but can also be placed in pots.

For being an ornamental plant we can place it inside or outside the house, the place where it is placed will help it to grow even better, for example in the winter season we should protect it from the water as much as possible so as not to damage it.

Sun exposure:

The exposure to the sun that this plant needs is not as elongated as if they needed other plants, with this in a semi-shade would be enough , so it can be sown or placed in a pot that is under another plant.

If where you live the temperature in the cold season drops to more than 10 degrees this plant will suffer great problems so you must take care of it and protect it from the cold.



The land in which this plant is planted is not common, perhaps this is the fundamental point for the growth of this plant is expected, you can prepare the soil of this plant as follows:

You must add 50% of the soil in the garden, 30% of the sand and 20% of the fertilizer prepared.

Although if you want you can buy some time of cactus land that they sell in the botanical stores.


This plant should be watered with great care not to deteriorate them, it is important to add water every 3 days, also in the rainy season we will not water to prevent the plant from getting wet , this is a dry plant and its flowering does not depend of the water if not of the terrain and the conditions in which it is.


The pests that should be taken care of this plant and the most common in the cactus are cochineals and aphids that lodge in the plant and make holes inside it damaging their aesthetics considerably.


We have already presented you with the best information about the Euphorbia Obesa. We hope that with this information you can have your plant as beautiful and healthy as you have always wanted, if you follow each step of the care you will know that you did not waste your time when looking after your beautiful plant .

20 fungi examples

How to tell the difference between the male and female Euphorbia obesa