
Advantages and disadvantages of dictatorship

dictatorship is a system of government in which power is concentrated in a single person, the dictator, or in a small group that controls the state. In dictatorships the powers are not separated or simply do not exist. The people governed under dictatorship do not enjoy full freedom , being subject to different types of limitations that seek to control their actions and perpetuate the dictator in power.

The concept of dictatorship has its origin in ancient Rome, where the figure of a dictator was used at times when the crisis, chaos and disorganization prevailed, a situation that arose after the wars. Under these conditions the Senate, appointed a man to exercise a dictatorship for 6 months, in order to restore the order of the Republic, normally putting “hard hand.”

So in principle, dictatorships were beneficial, they reorganized, structured, put on track, using power, with the guarantee that it would bring benefits to the population, being able to compare perhaps with a demanding teacher, who uses discipline as a means to strengthen the disciple.

Although under this concept, the line that separates the “advantages” and “disadvantages” of dictatorships becomes blurred, especially if power is not exercised with a neat concept of justice, we find faithful followers of dictatorial systems, which defend the benefits that Discipline and order can bring to society.

Advantages of a dictatorship


  • Control: By having control of all powers, the task of restoring those elements that are affecting society is facilitated. Dictators often eliminate congresses, senators, ministries, in order to limit the number of people who participate in decision-making and who encourage corruption. The decisions remain in the hands of a closed group allowing the establishment of a homogeneous system, in a single line of thought.


  • Infrastructure: The work they do in the construction of buildings and structures is usually to be noted, the constructions are a way of demonstrating the government’s work, so some buildings are used emblematically as part of the identity they wish to implement in the population. They also build streets, avenues, plazas and important institutions such as Universities, Hospitals and Stadiums, which last over time for the use of the population.


  • Security : The strictest dictatorships are recognized for not suffering from the evils of underworld and crime, being vigilant systems where freedoms are limited, also decreases the possibility of being able to commit crimes. Drug trafficking, robberies and homicides decrease markedly during a dictatorship, probably due to the severe punishments to which those who dare to break the law are exposed. This, especially, in those dictatorships interested in taking care of their reputation as “protective” of citizens.
  • No opposition :There is no uncomfortable opposition that hinders the aforementioned program, as is often the case in democracies and therefore it is carried out more easily.
  • Order : For the same reason as the authoritarian regimes, they are more easily able to keep the streets clean and organized, free of negative factors, poverty indicators, such as street vendors, begging and prostitution.
  • Citizens’ rights: Dictatorships usually proclaim free access by right to education, health and sports as a flag; They can also consider access to housing to be of great importance by establishing policies that facilitate this important right for citizens.

An element that can be seen as a benefit is the fact that dictatorships endure over time, with more space to establish the system of government that is to be established, contrary to democratic periods of government that last between 4 and 6 years , which can be considered a short time and interfere with the implementation of the policies and their results.

Beyond this, not all dictatorships work in the same way, it is difficult to take sides and name Dictatorships that stand out for their advantages since in this type of government the divided population is usually found, between those who feel comfortable and those who consider that there are more disadvantages and limitations to which they are subjected.

One could say that a successful dictatorship is one in which the real level of satisfaction is high, which is evidenced in the percentage of citizen movements that oppose it and in the actions that they can perform, that these cases are low; In addition to a growing or notable economy as is the case of the Asian countries of Thailand or Malaysia, where governments do not limit the growth of their citizens or the country, even when they have monarchical dictatorships.

Unfortunately, the benefits of a dictatorship depend to a large extent on the disposition and interest that the dictator has towards the country, in addition to the fact that the plan that he wishes to establish is really beneficial and is in accordance with what the population expects. For this reason dictatorships can be dangerous, since a few powers are given great power.


Disadvantages of a dictatorship

No  freedom. All dictatorship restricts freedom of thought and action. Only groups and people who think how the dictatorial regime thrive. Critics with such a regime cannot make opposition and can end up in prison, or dead. In a dictatorship there is no plurality or diversity. All the people must adopt the rules of life dictated by the regime.

Great Corruption . As the power corrupts, the dictators and the people of their regime end up corrupting and enrich themselves by having the people in a more or less notorious misery. As subjects do not have to choose and renew them, corruption, theft and enrichment at the expense of the people is much easier and more frequent than in democracies.

Last for many year:These dictatorial regimes can last a long time, especially if the dictator is skilled enough to keep his people with a certain level of well-being so that he does not revolt. It can pass from parents to children (as happens in dictatorial monarchies) or by design of trusted men when the tyrant is already older and has to leave power.


Leader decisions are most important :Anyone who lives in a dictatorship must assume that the interests of the dictator are paramount. Then come the interests of his close followers and only at the very end those of the people. In concrete terms, this means that the leaders of the dictatorship indulge in luxury and that the people are often very impoverished and have to take care of their basic needs every day. 

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