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Pros and cons of eating avocado



This green fruit, shaped like a pear, is the basis for guacamole and other famous dishes. Avocado is a fatty product, which is why it is often considered unfavorable for our health. Nothing more wrong! Let’s get to know the advantages and disadvantages of this fruit.

Avocado is a plant rich in various nutrients, beneficial to health. It is true that avocado is a rich source of fatty acids. However, delving into details, it turns out that the fat contained in it are unsaturated fat compounds, which in our diet are very desirable, and unfortunately deficit.


Avocado oil competes in terms of nutrient content with well known olive oil. The high content of minerals and good-quality fatty acids makes the oil from tropical fruit flesh very popular among people interested in it nutrition as well as natural cosmetics.

Avocado – advantages

      1. This fruit make you feel full – 100 g of avocado provides approx. 160 kcal, of which 15 g monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid) and as much as 7 g of dietary fiber. This combination of two ingredients means that after eating the product, the feeling of fullness stays with us for longer( than most fruits which are sugary), which prevents us from reaching for unhealthy snacks!
      2. Effectively fights overweight – the avocado, as mentioned above, is a satisfying fruit. By following the nutritional recommendations and selecting healthy products in appropriate quantities, we can effectively reduce body weight. Avocado in this process is an ally, so let’s not forget about it on a diet too!Turning the butter into avocado paste, we can deliver a lot less kilocalories! Everything, however, in moderation!
      3. A bomb of vitamins and minerals – avocado is a rich source of not only healthy fats. We also find in it vitamins: A, B1, B2, C, E, PP, K, H, pantothenic acid and folic acid. In addition, it provides calcium, potassium and phosphorus.
      4. The source of fat-soluble vitamins – the presence of vitamins A, E and K depends on the presence of fat in which they dissolve.Therefore, by consuming fat from the fruit, we enrich our body with vitamins valuable for its health! By eating avocado in a salad, we also increase the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (ADEK), which are included in the other ingredients of the dish.
      5. Supports the circulatory system– avocados provide monounsaturated fatty acids, in particular oleic acid and phytosterols, which lower the LDL cholesterol level, increasing the HDL fraction. In addition, 100 g of avocado delivers up to 550 mg of potassium , which lowers blood pressure!
      6. A source of folic acid – according to the recommendations of the Institute of Mother and Child, women planning to become pregnant, should provide greater than the recommendations for women not planning maternity, the amount of folic acid with diet. Pregnant women should provide approx. 400?g of folic acid, while pregnant women 600 ?g. Consuming 100 g of avocado per day, we can naturally provide our body with about 81 ?g of folic acid, necessary for the proper development of the neural tube in the fetus.
      7. Nourishes the brain – monounsaturated fatty acids contained in avocados are a fuel for the brain, thanks to which they increase concentration, improve mood and well-being.
      8. It lowers the risk of heart disease – studies conducted on rats whose diet has been enriched with avocado oil have shown that the biomarkers of heart disease have decreased! Therefore, by enriching our diet with avocado or the fruit oil, we strengthen our heart.
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    1. Improves the mood – thanks to the rich content of folic acid, avocado affects the production of neurotransmitters in the brain responsible for happiness.
    2. Prevents aging of cells – in avocados, we can find a wide range of antioxidant substances, which include lutein, selenium, glutathione and vitamin A and E. Lutein and vitamin A support the eyes, glutathione supports the liver and vitamin E is considered a vitamin of youth!
    3. It lowers blood sugar – avocado, unlike most fruits we know, does not provide too much sugar. 100 g avocado contains approx. 8 g of complex carbohydrates and provides up to approx. 7 g of dietary fiber, which stabilizes the level of glucose in the blood. I recommend avocados to persons at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
    4. Versatility in composing dishes– avocado is a valuable product that is worth implementing in your daily diet. The advantage of the product is that it works well in preparing various dishes, including vegetable pastes, both mild and spicy, preparation of sweet chocolate creams or fruit mousses, can be a substitute for butter spreads, salad, cocktail and … many other dishes. It loses its properties during thermal processing, so it is worth avoiding.


    With the development of research, it has been discovered that some fats have certain unique properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. It turned out that a certain group of fats has unique properties unparalleled among others. 

    Avocado – disadvantages

    Avocado has a number of advantages that speak in favor of introducing the fruit into your diet.Like every product, it also has several potential “flaws”, the number of which dies in excess of the beneficial features of the plant and can be considered as advantages.

    1. Taste – avocado has a characteristic taste that can not suit everyone. Some judge it as insipid, unremarkable or expressionless.
    2. Consistency – avocado has so-called a smear consistency that can be judged by some as unfavorable.
    3. Price – depending on the place where we shop and season, the price of a fruit can be more expensive than all the other fruits in the supermarket.
    4. Caloricity – nutrients contained in avocado, including fat, provide a relatively large number of kilocalories. They should not give up eating an avocado overweight person, but as with all products it is worth keeping moderation. 100 g a day is enough.

    Avocado is a fruit that can be described as “superfoods” . When buying an avocado it is worth paying attention to whether it is ripe. We can check it easily. The fruit should be soft and the tip should go away without a problem. Enriching our diet with this product, we will certainly provide the body with healthy unsaturated fats, sterols, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. Eat avocado for health





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